Sunday, 16 October 2011

Lesson 4- Adapting Activities

Activities can be ADAPTED- (changed) to make learning easier.
For example, changes to equipment, rules,,scoring, number in team, time the activity lasts and the layout of the games.

Equipment- use a smaller racquet in badminton, use a bigger ball in table tennis.
Rules- Volley ball- you are allowed to let the ball bounce before playing it.
Layout- Use a smaller pitch.
Number in game- play 7 aside rather than 11
Scoring- In Badminton first to 7 (rather than 11) is the winner
Time- In Basketball each quarter only lasts 10 minutes.

Choose a sport and list 4 changes that could be made to makes learning easier.- use the table below to help you.

One mark for each appropriate adaptation/change named
Adapt/change pitch/court layout
Adapt/change team size/number of opponents/team mates

Adapt/change equipment
Adapt/change pitch/court size
Adapt/change scoring system
Adapt/change playing/practising time
Adapt/change rules
Make opponent passive/active
Speed up/slow down practice

QUESTION 9 (continued)
Part B Practices can be adapted/changed to help you learn.

Choose a skill/technique which you learned by adapting a practice.


(i) Describe an initial practice you used to learn this skill/technique.


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Skill/technique – Lay-up
I had to dribble past a defender before attempting a lay-up
Limited description
I had to beat a defender before shooting
(ii) Describe how you adapted this initial practice to make it easier to
learn the skill/technique.


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I made the defender passive and he/she did not attempt to get the ball off me/stop me scoring

Limited description

I made the defender passive

The defender couldn’t tackle me

(iii) Explain why this adaptation made it easier to learn the


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I didn’t have to worry about being tackled and I could focus on just doing the skill

Limited explanation

I didn’t have to worry about being tackled

I could focus on just doing the skill
(iv) Describe how you would know if your performance of this
skill/technique had improved.


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Total 12

I could get past the defender more easily to score with lay-ups

I found it easier to get past the defender the next time I tried

Limited description

I could score more often

I felt more comfortable/confident when doing lay-ups

My teacher told me I was better

Homework(09 c)
Part A Practices can be adapted/changed when learning skills/techniques.

Name four different adaptations/changes you could make to a practice

Adaptation/change 1_____________________________________ 1

Adaptation/change 2_____________________________________ 1

Adaptation/change 3_____________________________________ 1

Adaptation/change 4_____________________________________ 1

(07 Gen)Part A Adapting/changing the playing area and equipment can make skill learning easier.

(i) What could be the advantages of adapting/changing the playing area
by making it smaller?


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(ii) What could be the advantages of adapting/changing the equipment
by making it lighter/smaller?


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Adapting Activities hw